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I love it when a plan comes together March 16, 2007

Posted by Matsu in Education, Information Technology, Management, Technology, Uncategorized.

A TeamFor the past few months, several teams in my department have been working on a large project that ended in a site visit and peer review of our education department as part of a national accreditation process. Technology plays a greater role in the process than it has ever played, before.

My department had to do everything it could to see that the technology worked well, and if it failed, we had to have contingency plans in order to resolve problems quickly. To ensure maximum “up-time” we had totally redundant systems and if the redundant systems and technologies failed, we had plans for backups to the backups. Fortunately, it all worked well and we didn’t have to go to the second or third round of backup equipment.

Everyone in the I.T. department did well and really stepped up and made sure that whatever was needed was provided. Everyone worked together well and understood and shared a common goal.

In the end, it paid off as we received complements not only from the education department but also from the visitors conducting the review and assessment. It pays to plan and in this case, the plan came together just as we expected. It was a good week!

Good job, team! You are the A Team!


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